What is jamn?

Presented as an iPhone and iPad app, Jamn is a musician’s multi-tool based on the unique, patented Jamn Wheel.

What’s so special about the jamn wheel?

The unique, patented Jamn Wheel lays out music in a circle instead of a line. All popular music is circular, with a song typically moving from harmony to conflict to climax, resolution then back to harmony again.

When seen as a wheel, the harmony and dissonance in scales and chords can be easily visualized. The Jamn Wheel also shows the tonic, major scale, relative minor scale and major, minor and diminished triads in an intuitive and logical way. Understanding these relationships is the basis of musical theory.

Is it like the circle of fifths?

The Jamn Wheel looks similar to the circle of fifths (both are round) but offers much more. It’s simpler, more intuitive, and allows you to actually hear chords and scales. It’s much more revealing.

The notes of any scale are displayed in wheel starting at the top and moving clockwise. The blue bar indicates the start point of the major scale. The red bar to the left is its relative minor. Spin the wheel in any direction to change key.

This eliminates the noise you see in the circle of fifths. It reduces visual complexity and makes things a whole lots easier. The pattern of the windows match the scale patterns, and the cool thing is they match the fret patterns on your guitar, or key pattern on your piano.

Who will get the most from jamn?

Music is like a journey that never ends. Every musician is on a different stage of that journey. Jamn offers something no matter where you are on your musical trip.

Even star performers, virtuoso musicians and platinum songwriters benefit from the fresh perspective this app provides. Jamn gives beginner musicians a head start with a real understanding of what musical theory is all about. Intermediate musicians can expect a leap in confidence and ability… even non-musicians will find Jamn fascinating. Like music itself, Jamn has something for everyone.

Let's getjamn!